Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I guess this can qualify as #10, to replace the lame-o 10 I posted down there.
Most of the time I try to plan our dinner so Madeline and My( or me and Madelines?)'s dinner is ready at the same time. Lately we've been eating on a picnic blanket on the living room floor. She seems to eat more nutritious foods that way. Tonight the picnic blanket was out as she was having mac and cheese and peas, and I couldn't get myself together to have my dinner ready at the same time. So she's sitting at the dinner table and says to me ( in the kitchen)
M: Moooooommmmy , somethings missing
me: do you need a drink ?
M: nooooooo
me: do you want a napkin ?
M: nooooo
me: whats missing, Mad ?
M: YOU !

How awesome is she?!?

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