Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Can I Share a Cute Maddie Story?

Of course I can, its my blog.
Yesterday I was absentmindedly singing " The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind"
After a minute, Maddie looked up at me and said " Gianna is blowing in the wind?( in a high pitched voice) hi,i'm gianna,I'm blowing in the wind

(Gianna is her best friend. I thought it was hysterical and so smart, of course, but I'm her mother)

Happy St Patricks Day! I made Madeline gold coin pancakes like one might find at the end of a rainbow. The tricky little leprauchan left green milk ... Maddie thought that was pretty cool.

1 comment:

Christina DeGaetano said...

Love this photo! I can't wait to meet Maddie's BBF sometime soon!