Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ten on Tuesday- even though its Thursday

1. Its official. I am the Only Person on the Planet who doesn't like spring. I don't hate flowers or anything- I hate the reemergence of bugs, mud and flip floppy weather ( 40 degrees one day , 70 the next) , bugs, squeezing into springy/summer clothes that are ill fitting and for which I am too pale to wear and bugs, did I mention that ? Seriously I'd like to skip the whole spring thing and get to summer- longer days, swimming, green grass, flowers already in bloom, warm weather and the beach. I can't wait. Wake me up in mid-June

2. OK, beginning of June. Don't want to miss my birthday- even though I am entering my mid-thirties

3. Speaking of birthdays, Greg's was yesterday. Because he was working and we weren't sure when he'd be home, we had a little surprise party for him on Saturday. By 'we' I mean me and Maddie. She was so excited and has quite a future as a party planner. Doesn't every 39-year old man want Tinkerbell plates at his bash?

And this is her birthday party hat I made yummy eggplant for dinner- or as Maddie calls it "airplant"

4. I'm so excited that we will be going to Florida in May. Maddie is excited about seeing Grandma and Grandpa and the pink car. And we'll be taking a trip to see a certain mouse- she's very excited about that. Now, if someone could give all the Love Bugs of Florida the message to stay away, I'd be pretty pleased

5. Her memory amazes me. I was talking to her about how it was Uncle Steve's birthday too, that he and Daddy are brothers, twins, etc. I was going over who was whose brother or sister- Uncle Eric is my brother( she said " Uncle Eric is silly, he prentends he doggie"), Uncle Jimmy is Mimi's brother and I asked her if she remembered Grandma's brother. Yup, Uncle Frank. Then she said" He come to Granma's house and we eat eggplant" Which is indeed what happened. Some random night of our vacation SIX months ago. HOW does she remember that?

6. So despite my spring -bashing in #1, I am actually kind of happy its warmer out today. I'll be able to take her to the park later, maybe we'll go get ice cream afterwards.

7. I'm having trouble finding a nice two peice bathing suit. Don't worry, not for me, for Madeline. The thing is I'm not looking for a bikini. I just want a 2 peice suit that looks like a one peice. At the rate we're going, potty training is likely to still be going on once we hit the pool and 2 peice makes it easier for diaper changes. Even if she is trained, it'll be easier for her to take them off to use the potty. But all the ones I see are like triangle bikinis or short tops exposing her belly. Besides me wanting her to look like a kid and not a teenager, I'm also concerned about coverage from the sun. Any ideas where to look?

8. we ended up going to the park, it ended up being cold, we ended up having to leave and I ended up with a very unhappy little girl. Until I took her for froyo

9) Came across this picture by accident. Greg and Madeline in her bed, catching up on their reading.

10) Speaking of reading, Madeline can't get enough books right now. She loves Knufflebunny and the Pigeon ( finds a Hotdog, Pigeon Wants a Puppy, etc) books by Mo Willems. It helps that we are at the library almost everyday this week. I didn't plan it- I signed her up for random library programs and when I put it on my calendar, I noticed all 4 of them happened to be this week. as I was putting her to bed tonight, I mentioned we were going to the library again tomorrow and she said ' Again? We go library all the time, Mommy"

A bonus

11)I am cracking up at her expressin in this picture. Someone was at the front door and had just rang the bell. She got so nervous- look how worried she is. Poor Monkey.

1 comment:

Christina DeGaetano said...

ok, first off...awesome about FL! When in May and where are you staying when you see the Mouse?
2nd, try LL bean or Lands End for bathing suits and third, Maddie is so cute! When can she come here again?