Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ten on Tuesday -or- Snow , part II

1. Snow actually kind of stinks when its too cold to go outside. I think its in the 20's today. Blech. Not sure if its even worth an attempt to go out. It would mean I'd have to clean off the car. And really, I don't need anything. So I might make it a No Travel Tuesday( to follow No Money Monday)

2. We spent all day yesterday -save for about 15 minutes when we attempted to play in the snow ( Maddie kept getting stuck and saying " Its too hard!")- we spent most of the day inside. Since I took the paci away from Madeline, at dr's urging, during rest time, she doesn't even lay on the couch anymore. So we go all day from sun up to sundown. When I was reading her a story last night, she actually pushed me out of her bed . She was tired, Mommy, and wanted to go to sleep.

3)Her favorite book right now is Olivia and the Missing Toy. Its 8:30 am and I've already read it to her about 5 times.

4) Oh, by the way, regarding snow- I have the BEST neighbors. They snowblow and/or shovel my driveway when it snows. We got over a foot yesterday, thats no easy task. The last time , I made cookies as a thank you and he got mad- saying we're neighbors, he wants to do it, all kind of good neighborly stuff. But I have to say I feel pretty guilty sitting inside nice and toasty while he's outside working. I even made Madeline move away from the window. While he knows we're inside, I feel pretty guilty about actually letting him see us inside, sitting on our duffs, you know?

5) Re: No Monday Money- this is self imposed, by me, in an effort to save money. Its so easy to spend $5 here, $15 there - over the course of a week that can really add up. So I make an effort to dedicate at least one day a week to spend NO MONEY. I stay out of the stores, I don't food shop, I look for free activities to do with Madeline or make a playdate. I've actually found some pretty cool free stuff to do, and it'll be easier once the weather gets warmer. Hopefully I can spread NMM out to a few other days during the week. ( let me clarify , we don't spend money every single DAY, every week is different. NMM is just a concerted effort to find alternatives, you know? )

6) Surprise!

Close your eyes...

Surprise !

7) Maddie is looking foward to Olivia's bday party this weekend

8) There has been zero progress on the potty training front. sigh.

9) Getting somewhere with my camera... yay!

10) I got nuthin' for #10 right now. It'll be a long day. Imight be back, lol!

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