Sunday, April 5, 2009


Its always struck me as odd that people say they don't have memories before the age of 5. I remember tons of stuff from when I was 2, 3 and 4 years old. We went to Disney for the first time when I was 3, I remember bits and peices of that trip, including asking my mother where babies came from. My brother and I used to share a room, and I remember breaking him out of HIS crib, so I must've been really young for that one. I also recall how we used to sneak out and watch TV after my father fell asleep on the couch ( my mother was out working or bowling). I remember having recurring dreams as a youg child- one in particular was about skeletons that lived in my wall and would push me out of bed at night, and I would wake up on the floor. I guess they didn't have bedrails in the mid-70's, huh?

Another recurring dream I had that I remember like it was yesterday was about a band of renegade Easter Bunnies. You know those bendy , long easter bunnies they sell at easter time, the ones you can bend in all sorts of ways... yeah they were like that. They broke into our house, tied up my parents and robbed our house. I couldn't have been more than three, but it set of a lifelong fear and hatred of the easter bunny. I think he's creepy. Bunnies are supposed to be small ,fat, fluffy and cute- not 6 feet tall and long- and don't even get me started on bunnies that walk instead of hop. Its just freaky. Some people are ( rightfully) afraid of clowns, I am afraid of the easter bunny.

I put my leporiphobia ( yes, that is the official name for fear of the easter bunny, I googled it) aside and took her to Breakfast with Bunny at our local firehouse. Apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as madeline was terrfied too. Look at it, wouldn't you be sared?
Just sitting there, waiting for kids to sit on his lap. *shudder* Madeline wouldn't go near him . I tried to be encouraging, but she looked at me like this:

"Whatchoo talkin' bout, Mommy? "

No harm( I think ) done. I am not one of those parents that has to get pictures of my daughter with the Easter Bunny or Santa or Mickey Mouse at Disney. Out of anyone, I understand her fear. It seems perfectly rational to me.

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