Thursday, July 10, 2008

Maddie at 2 years, 5 months old

She loves feet. Like really loves feet. She will walk into the bedroom while Greg is sleeping and rub her face against his feet. It kind of reminds me of the way my old dog Rufus used to rub against your feet after you take your shoes off. She will refer to Feet as such, as in " Here you go , Feet" or " Read a book, Feet ". She makes my feet say hello to her when she sees them. And if any feet actually tickle her, she doubles over in uncontrollable laughter. I tried to capture it today ( don't mind my non-manicured tootsies. they just need a little polish)

I've signed her up for a bunch of programs this summer. yesterday was out first playgroup. Madeline was hmmm... lets say less than enthusiastic about sharing toys or taking turns. Normal for a 2 year old , right? Today we had the gymnastics program at the library where Maddies personality really shined ( that sounds wrong... so does 'shone' Forgive me, I'm tired) through. Neither Greg or myself are particularly outgoing, in your face, look at me type people, so it is not surprise that Madeline isn't either. She much prefers to do her own thing , in the background, without much fanfare. She's quick to concede if others bamboozle their way into her space. In the past its caused a little turmoil, but it always ended up OK. Not anymore- now that she's got her " I'm just about 2 and a half" pants on. She wanted to go down the slide, so she did. Then other kids wanted to go on the slide. I told her we need to take turns. Slighty upsetting, but we soldiered through. What sent her over the edge was her own doing. If she was halfway up the ladder, and some other kids started coming towards the slide, she'd come back down and let them go. Then she screamed and stomped up and down that she wanted to go down the slide. She did this repeatedly, with the same results. I wish there was a way to explain to her so she didn't get so upset.

The rest of the time went very nicely. I am so very happy with our library. They have such great programs for kids and its free . We signed Maddie up for the Baby Butterflies reading program and she is getting really into books again. She'll wake up every morning and ask to read a book" I sit next to you , Mommy," She'll say to me. At the end of the summer they have a party for all the kids, its really cute. I loved reading as a kid, so I'm hoping she does too.

Its so cool to see her imagination start working . Tonight at dinner, she felt her spoon and fork needed a nap. They needed a blanket of course

No bath for Miss Maddie tonight, we read a couple of books , and now she's Snoozy Loo in her crib.

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