Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Its Official - She Likes Dirt

Madeline and I visited Samantha and Emma on Saturday. Or, as they are known in my house"sammyemma'. One word. The three of them got in the wagon and asked me to pull them( !!!) I tired, really I did, but even Maddie was saying " faster!". I'm no Uncle Greg, I just pulled them around in a circle once or twice. And then sat down because I was about to have a heart attack. Note to self: get.in.shape.

So what i discovered, although its not too hard to figure out, what I discovered is Maddie likes dirt. She likes playing with a shovel in dirt. She likes pouring dirt on her pants. She likes getting dirt on her hands. And I'm pretty sure she likes eating dirt. She also was digging (pun intended-ha ha) the baby worms. When it finally stops raining here , I'm going to embark on my first season as a gardener. I think it will be something I like, it kind of runs in the had a nice garden already set up. Basically, all greg and I were to do last fall was cut everything down, and then this spring we wait for it to grow again. Sounds easy enough right? Well, yesterday he was raking up leaves and pulling some weeds, when he calls me outside. " uh, i think I just pulled out the flowers. Weeds don't have bulbs at the end of them right? " So the score for those of you keeping track at home: Greg and Jessica as Green Thumbers- zero. There is no competition, we're going to beat ourselves, I'm sure. Maybe Maddie can save us...

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