Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Three Year Checkup

My girl is thriving and the cuteness is off the charts( which by the way , is in line with the cuteness from previous appointments)

She weighs 37 lbs ( I would swear it was more)

She is 38 inches tall. The nurse did the measurements and when the doctor came in she said
"She looks taller than that, lets measure her again" but indeed, she's only 38 inches tall. All my life people have told me I look taller than my 5'3"- so I guess Maddie takes after me in giving a taller appearance. Its true- everytime we go somewhere people will comment first on her curly hair and second on how tall she is. Not a bad thing at all :)

Her hearing and vision is good, and her little 3 year old milestones are right on track ( speech exceptional, able to draw lines and circles, able to ride tricycle). She passed her scoliosis test (and turned right around and gave Mommy one" Hands together, feet together, bend over...goooood")

This was her first time meeting this doctor and I may have my Mommy goggles on, but I think she was impressed by Maddie. Since we knew she was going to get a shot today ( which she took like a champ), we had told her before going in that she would get a treat when we left the doctors office. So when the doctor walked in the room, she Madeline looked at her and said " Do you have treats for me ? "

We took her out for "big pizza' for lunch, and the beautiful weather allowe dus to meet Gianna at the playground later. A fine day for Miss Maddie.

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