Tuesday, February 17, 2009


There is a concept in chinese medicine called the Shen http://www.chinesemedicinesampler.com/theoryshen.html
How I've always interpreted it was the Shen is kind of like when people say they need a thicker skin- its the force around your spirit that lets things in. Does that make sense? For example, I have never enjoyed horror movies. They always give me nightmares- so one might say I have a weak Shen, that I let things in too easily. As with anything in Chinese Medicine, there are things that strengthen your Shen and things that weaken your Shen. Its not written in stone anywhere, but I can 100% say becoming a mother shatters your Shen. Obliterates it. Oh boy, do I need a 'thicker skin'.

I know kids will be kids, that they test their limits and figure out relationships as they go. A certain amount of hurt feelings and freshness is to be expected. When it happens to your own child though, its heartbreaking. I mean, for me, its heartbreaking. And if I'm blubbering when my girl's lip quivers at age three- how will I make it to the elementary years ??? Forget about junior high - I'm still recovering from my own experience. Well meaning parents can only go so far... for as I wiped the tears from Madeline's eyes, she turned around and tested it out on the next kid she saw. Ugh.

She's only three!

Motherhood is hard.

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