Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

I'm jumping on the Ten on Tuesday bandwagon. Curious to see if I actually have ten things to blab about...

1. Been thinking about Madelines name a lot lately. My husband and I had a hard time coming up with a girls name, we had completely opposite taste. We were watching TV and one of the actors names' was Madalyn, I said " hey what about Madeline?" He said " yeah, Maddie" And in my gut that very instant I *knew* that was who was in my belly- and this was way before we even knew she was a girl. I can't explain the feeling, but it was like meeting her for the first time, like someone introduced us and said " jessica, this is your daughter, Madeline" and I was like " yes, i know". I sound like a crazy person, oh well!

Madeline is not a name I grew up loving- I didn't hate it, I just never thought anything of it one way or another. I love different names for girls now, but I love the name Madeline because thats who she IS.

2. Speaking of who she is...

Every morning, right before or right after breakfast, this getup must be put on. Its missing the princess shoes

3)making another renewed attempt at understanding my camera better. Got a great book and a glimmer of a photography opportunity in which I do not want to embarass myself, so once again, I will attempt to learn the technical side, aperature, f stops, etc

4) visited a preschool this morning for Madeline. She loved it . In fact, when I told her we were leaving she said " nooooo, I want to stay here foreverrrrrrrr"

5) Attempted to make falafel for dinner tonight. Just made me crave real falafel NOT made by me, lol.

6)Maddie does not like falafel

7) I still have Madeline's birthday decorations up. I love the pink pom pom thingies, I think I'll put them back up in her room. One thing is stopping me- I can't reach them. I'm too short. I had my husband put them up and i keep forgetting to ask him to take them down

8) I went to Ikea the other day to get shelves for our playroom. Now I have to figure out how to hang them up.

9) I have about 7 books on backlog right now. I'm always surprised the library lets me take out more.. like they are going to say ' No, Jessica, you already have thisbook and thatbook, read those first, and THEN you can take out more"

10) Really glad they don't say that :)

1 comment:

Christina DeGaetano said...

i really enjoy reading your blog. Makes me feel like you are here with us or we're with you. I like it. I think I need to steal some of the ideas..hope you don't mind!