Friday, January 18, 2008

welcome to the new blog

This is the blog formerly known as Madeline's Spot. For you Madeline fans, don't despair. This blog will most likely be about 99% Madeline... what she's doing, saying, interested in, and pictures to illustrate Cute-itude. But I wanted to start fresh since I haven't updated my other blog since Halloween( if that)... and I also wanted a title that is more inclusive of our lives. I have plenty of journals, but I write in them sporadically, so this will serve, I hope , as a journal... not just as a baby book, but the story of the first years of Madeline's life. As she approaches her second birthday, I am realizing how fast time goes. I am pretty good about slowing down and drinking in all the little moments. She will never be this age again and seeing a butterfly won't always be front page news. So I will try to capture , in words and pictures, our life.

This picture was taken about a month ago- the last time we had snow here. I am dying for a big snowstorm so Maddie can play in the snow. I know she'd love it . So, I know alot of you hate snow, but I'm secretly doign a snow dance. This is the first winter in our new house, adn I alaways pictured it with a little snowman out front. Comeon, Mother Nature, help me realize that vison!

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