Sunday, January 27, 2008

My husband would kill me

Its a good thing he has no idea how to access this blog. He would not be happy about me putting his picture on here- but really I love these shots. She asked to put on her 'fies'( butterfly wings) and then wanted some of Daddy's Cheerios. Its so funny to me that she really knows that she can get just about anythign from him. When Mommy says no, she doesn't even throw a tantrum, she just goes right to Greg. If he says no, then she throws a tantrum.
OK, after I picked the pictures, theres not so much daddy in them anyway, so i'm safe.
And please excuse the mess in the bedroom. I'd like to be able to say " we just moved' or " we're rearranging the bedroom" or even " There was an earthquake", but none of those are true. Its just a little messy b/c we're both tired. Just look at the cute little girl, please.

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