Saturday, November 1, 2008

no words

Last night a 'friend' of mine watched her son take his last labored breath. I use quotes because she is a friend from my Mothers Board, an online community of people I've never met in person- but with whom I speak just about everyday. To say she is an aquantence of mine does not explain the tears, the consuming thoughts I've had all day " what is she going through? what must she be feeling?'
Her son Jack was 2. He had been born with a heart disease. He had surgery in June from which he never really recovered. Sure, he came home, but his quality of life was terrible. I guess thats why its getting to me so much. I saw her write almost daily " Jacks' not eating" ' Jack is scared" " Jack is tired and wants to be carried everywhere" So while some people are comforted by " Hes not suffereing anymore" and I know logically he's not, I feel like he and his family suffered all summer and into the fall. Its just not fair.
Hug your little ones, and old ones today, and thank god for the health of your family.

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