Saturday, June 21, 2008

Movin' On Up

I had to fill something out this morning where I needed to put my age. I turned 35 a few weeks ago and as I looked for 35 on the sheet, I realized I've moved up a bracket. It usually goes 18-34 and then 35-44. I'm in the 35-44 group now. Me. Who just turned 21 a few years ago it seemed.

Time has always been a funny thing for me. Maybe it is for most people, but I can only try to put into words the way time works for me. I live in the moment, not because I'm some spiritually evolved human being, but because planning ahead just stresses me out. I've always been like this. When I was pregnant, I never read ahead in my What to Expect When You're Expecting book( which stinks by the way. I hate that book, it just scares you , hence one of the reasons I didn't read ahead), I just got through morning sickness. Like running through a tunnel, I did it, then looked around and thought" ok , what next- oh OK, second trimester. Check" Towards the end of my pregnancy I had a dream where I brought home two babies . There was a party and everyone was laughing and drinking and having a great time. I was upstairs trying to get the babies to eat. No one was helping me, and I started to freak. When I woke up, I realized- holy crap, this baby actually has to come out of me some way. So I got ready for the next stage.

Whats my point? Because I go through life like this, I look up and all of a sudden I'm 35 (I stopped keeping track of birthdays after 30 years old). All of a sudden my father has white hair. All of a sudden my husband is 2 years away from turning 40. I've known him since I was 17 years old. I remember when my own father turned 40. Its all kind of surreal. My mind stays the same, but my body gets older. My parents are still my parents, but suddenly they look different, the rest of the world sees them differently. I just had Maddie yesterday, yet she's two and a half.

I look at pictures and suddenly she looks like a little girl. My husband still refers to her as 'the baby' in conversation, but she is so not a baby anymore. She is a headstrong, and physically strong toddler. Man, is she strong, probably another reason I am fully aware that I am now 35. The body is not programmed to deal with the constant running and dorfing of an active 2 year old.
So here's my little girl, growing up.

Maddie enjoying her 'cool' - thats how she say pool, which is actually pretty smart, huh ? She also likes putting on her 'baby shirt'( bathing suit) Present from Mimi- a 'baby school bus' . She puts the Little People in the car and says " C'mon. Lets go Stop and Shop. We need to buy diapers"
She does this every . day. At least once a day. I love the way she is looking at it like" What do I do now?" why, put in back in, and then take it out again, silly!

Hiding in her closet. Sometimes I'll be making dinner- no, really, and I 'll walk into the living room and she's not there. I know to go to her closet, where I'll hear from behind the doors "where'd Maddie go?"
"There she is!"
Mimi and Papa come visit this week and we are very excited ! Maddie keeps saying "mimipapa- boat!"

BTW- she is totally going through another growth spurt- sleeping a lot, eating a ton. I was hoping for one season where I didn't have to buy two sets of clothes, but its not looking good for my wallet :(

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