This is the blog formerly known as Madeline's Spot. For you Madeline fans, don't despair. This blog will most likely be about 99% Madeline... what she's doing, saying, interested in, and pictures to illustrate Cute-itude. But I wanted to start fresh since I haven't updated my other blog since Halloween( if that)... and I also wanted a title that is more inclusive of our lives. I have plenty of journals, but I write in them sporadically, so this will serve, I hope , as a journal... not just as a baby book, but the story of the first years of Madeline's life. As she approaches her second birthday, I am realizing how fast time goes. I am pretty good about slowing down and drinking in all the little moments. She will never be this age again and seeing a butterfly won't always be front page news. So I will try to capture , in words and pictures, our life.
This picture was taken about a month ago- the last time we had snow here. I am dying for a big snowstorm so Maddie can play in the snow. I know she'd love it . So, I know alot of you hate snow, but I'm secretly doign a snow dance. This is the first winter in our new house, adn I alaways pictured it with a little snowman out front. Comeon, Mother Nature, help me realize that vison!
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