This girl still gets a kick out of bubbles. Especially when the wind blows hard and you don't have to actually blow them. She squeals with delight... so very exciting!
As I type this I am hoping my mother is home from the hospital. She was admitted Friday for pancreantitis. Then they said it was diverticulitis. Then it was gallstones and preparations were made to remove her gall bladder. Then , they said it was none of those things- it was a big ulcer, so they were treating it and would release her. Wait, they said, its actually all of those things. And she is recovering from knee replacement surgery which seems to be giving her the least trouble out of everything. Go figure. When I spoke to her this morning, she was waiting to hear if she could go home today. They have to let the ulcer heal before they can tackle the gall bladder. (**update- she just called- she's home- yay!**)
We had a nice low key Memorial day. Steve , Debbie and the kids came over ('Sammyemma" as Maddie calls them) we went to the park and stopped for pizza. When we got there, I decided Maddie was in no condition to be out in public, waiting for food... so they got the pizza while I drove back to the house. Oh my god, all I heard on the way home was " Sammyemmasammyemmasammyemmasammyemma". Screaming it, tears everywhere, the poor girl. Finally they arrived back at the house and all was well in Maddies world.